Bits is 3

As unfathomable as this is, our Caboose turns 3 today. Her joining our family led to lots of changes in our way of life, but its been good. (Pictures at bottom courtesy of digitalbean photography)

Bitsaloo – Watching you grow this year has been incredible. Somewhere along the line you crossed over from baby to toddler and straight into wannabe pre-schooler. I know it frustrates you not to get to school as your sisters did this year, but you’ve been soaking up the Daddy time. You might not be in some formal school, but you’re learning a lot and getting your numbers and letters down. Your quest to be “big” will drive you for a while to learn more and more. Don’t lose that quest.

Your zest for life will continue to bring joy into your dad’s and my life. You live out loud, and everything you do is all in. Whether it be throwing a temper, playing puzzles with Grandma, or playing outside, your enthusiasm is fun to watch. Your heart and soul are full and big, and they make our hearts fuller, too.

I’ve loved watching you cheer your sisters on during their adventures. When your big sister came home from Germany, you didn’t move off her lap or out of her arms for 20 minutes. Your genuine joy at hanging with your sisters is real and I love getting to see it. I look forward to seeing what this next year brings.



The littles

The littles

I love books

I love books

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