Goals for the new school year


The girls all started school today at the same building for the same hours. This year is one and done. Next year, Peanut moves to middle school, and never again will they be the same hours. But for now, we have one drop off and one pick up.

Starting 5th grade. I fully expect that she’ll be exhausted and exhilarated and scared of the work ahead this year. Pretty much how we start every year. But for 5th, two friends are in class with her, so I’m reasonably hopeful she’ll be thrilled. Her goals for the year are to get As in math (she’s going to have to work for them), read 40 books in one semester (not so hard for her). At conferences, if her teacher tells me Peanut actually talked in class in September, I’ll be stunned. But, none of the boys with her name are in her class so she gets to (finally) go by her preferred name! Small victories!

Her current activities this year will include band, choir, softball (at least for this fall), and crossfit. (Oh, and walking her dog!)

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Starting 1st. A small jump this year. Nothing too exciting, but not brand new either. Most of her friends ended up in another class, but she has a few in hers. I expect her to be exhausted and unable to stay calm through the end of the night. Her love of people has her thrilled to go to school, but it’s taxing on her a bit to be involved in everyone and in everything! Her goals for the year are to learn her math facts, get 20 (!) AR points this year (she has a head start with 4), and make one more new friend.

Her current activities include dance, swimming, and activities at SACS, and who knows what else will strike this one’s fancy.

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Her first day in K-readiness. It’s an all day every day pre-K program. Bug had the teacher two years ago and we’re STOKED that we get her again. (Her teacher already sent a picture home of all the kiddos having fun!) I have no idea what to expect for her tonight. She’s probably going to have a lot of things to say, but whether she can stay focused long enough to say it… She says she’ll tell me her goals when her teacher tells her what they are. My goals are for her to have fun, learn a little, and have a blast making new friends.

Her current activities include dance and swimming.

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